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Pre-School I & II

Designed for our youngest students, these classes offer development in coordination, musical awareness, and listening skills while helping students implement their natural creativity in a stress free environment.


PS-I   Age 3 - 4 1/2

Through this program, girls and girls gain a sense of fulfillment, joy and accomplishment! Students gain an understanding of teamwork that positively benefits and influences their everyday lives while sharing this positive experience with their friends. This is a 45 minute class



Basic foundational ballet, learning songs with actions, and beginning acrobatics are presented at this age and skill level, which helps to engage the children’s attention and imagination. Students perform one dance routine in our annual recital.


PS-II Age 4- 5 1/2

Basic ballet, singing songs with actions and tap are taught to help engage students’ attention and imagination and intro to rhythmic skills. Students perform two dance routines in our annual recital. If your child is 4 and has done PS-I &/or 5 but not yet in kindergarten, this would be the class. This is a 1 hour class.


KIDS IN MOTION  AKA as “Combo” 5-7


Students Ages 5 -7

For over 40 years, combo classes have been one of the most successful programs at RSDA.



Children learn correct body alignment, disciplines of ballet barre, ballet positions, and center technique. Students continue to develop their sense of musicality  and rhythms through the foundations of tap dancing. To add to the fun, these young dancers are also introduced to the exhilarating world of Theatrical dance. Kids In Motion students will perform two dances in the annual recital.


Classic Combo classes are designed to provide an outlet for students who would like to ignite or discover their passion for dance.


Rennae’s School of Dance & Acrobatics provides students with the highest level of quality dance training. Allowing young dancers at their own rate, reach their fullest potential. These classes are open for girls & boys ages 8 - 11.


Classic Combo

Age 7 1/2 - 11

Our Combo Classes allow dancers to attend one class a week incorporating the fundamental teachings of three different genres:  Tap, Jazz & Theatrical Dance.


Specialized Genre Classes

We also offer One Subject classes where when they are ready, students may begin specialized classes in specific genres (ballet, tap , jazz).



All Acrobatic classes are individual subject classes. Students are placed in classes based on their natural ability, skill level, and experience. Students are continually evaluated by our teachers to insure proper placement. The length of class time increases as the dancer progresses in age, interest, vocabulary and technique.



Tap classes are designed to develop rhythm, style and sound. Students will learn a variety of tap styles from Broadway to Rhythm tap. ... The class emphasis is on developing proper tap technique, producing clear tap sounds, and having fun.



Jazz class will focus on learning proper dance technique such as isolations of the body, improving performance quality and developing complex rhythms and patterns. Focus is not only on the latest steps, leaps and turns, but in performing them with appropriate body placement and style. Students will be exposed to various styles of jazz such as Broadway, Street and Contemporary to help develop a well-rounded dancer.


Hip Hop

Hip Hop classes are extremely energetic and almost a social necessity these days. Students learn to let loose a little and dance for FUN! All music is age appropriate and carefully chosen by the instructor.



Clogging is an American dance genre that originated in the Appalachian Mountains. It's an energetic form dance and very much a part of what makes American dance so great! Irish, Scottish, English, Dutch, and Germans who settled in the mountains all played a role in this crowd rousing form of dance. Tap, jazz, and hip-hop have had and continue to play a big role in the evolution of clogging as a leader in popular styles of dance today. We tend to use all types of music for our classes and dances and revere bluegrass music as a foundation we will always include in some way.. As each new generation of dancers use their current style of music and dance; they further evolve this amazingly entertaining form of dance. Here at RSDA we are notorious for our clogging as being very instrumental in bringing clogging as an art form to the midwest. We have at any given time, five to eight clogging teams of various ages and skill levels. The Heartland Hoedowners are renowned in the community for our award winning dance numbers, event shows, and parades. We have been a featured specialty dance ensemble in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in NYC seven times! Currently we offer classes in beginning through advanced levels including teams. Students may begin clogging at age 5. Team members also have the opportunity to perform in benefit shows and fundraising events for various local charities throughout the year.


Broadway - Musical Theatre Dance

 Structured just like musical theatre dance classes in NYC, students learn both new and original Broadway choreography from all styles of musical theatre. ... In the performing business, auditions are your tests, and dance classes are where you learn and study. We currently offer two skill levels for this class. Beginner/intermediate for students with less than 4 years of dance or theatrical experience and intermediate/advanced for students with 5 or more years of dance &/or theatre experience. This is a great class for those hoping to be cast as a character in a show or those with aspirations in Show Choir.


Ballet 1-2

This classes introduce students to basic ballet vocabulary and technique in a structured yet fun setting. Work on stretching, extensions, simple legs and arm positions, steps and jumps across length of studio to improve coordination, musicality. short barre and center work, age appropriate stretches, basic positions of the legs and arms. Balance, hopping, skipping, jumping, galloping, basic locomotor movements and concentration will be emphasized. This level performs one dance in the annual recital.


Ballet 2-3

Students will learn ballet fundamentals and terminology while developing strength, confidence, balance, and flexibility. First levels of traditional classical ballet training, students learn concentration and endurance while striving to become proficient in fundamental dance movement and ballet technique.


Ballet 3-4

Students continuing to learn ballet fundamentals and terminology while developing strength, confidence, balance, and flexibility. Continues with levels of classical traditional ballet training. Students learn concentration and endurance and become proficient in fundamental dance movement and ballet technique.


Ballet 4

For students with a strong understanding of movement and alignment, proper use of turn out, coordination of the upper body (epaulement), body, head and arm movements are coordinated and synchronized (port de bras). The focus will be on intermediate ballet technique and will include combinations on barre using relevé and balances on one leg, simple jumps are embellished with beats.


Pre-Pointe / Pointe I

Students introduced to skills necessary for Pointe  work. Certain students will be eligible to go up on pointe shoes using techniques at the barre. First steps and introduction to basic, beginner pointe work. It is recommended that students enrolled in this class also take one or two additional non-pointe classes. At least one additional ballet class is mandatory for any student dancing on pointe.


Ballet 5+

Barre and center combinations move faster, and become more complex and incorporate more center floor combinations using reléve and balances on one leg. Different rhythms are introduced. Turnout based on individual ability and strength continues to be emphasized along with posture and core strength. Center exercises are longer and require more memorization and stamina.  More types of pirouettes, turns across the floor and jumps are learned.


Must participate in ballet 5+ and have at least one year of previous pointe work to enroll in this class. Pointe work is a continuation of Ballet in the more advanced levels and beautiful to watch when done well.


Leaps & Turns

This is an individualized technique class designed to assist students in focusing on the leaps, jumps and turns that dancers perform in Ballet, Jazz and Dance Teams. This specialized class is a way to better your technique when executing basic leaps, center leaps, specialized leaps, turns, multiple turns on spot, fouettés, turns in second, floats, etc.… There is no recital routine for this class.


Dance Team Technique class

This class is for those dancers who are  currently on a school dance team or are wishing to Prep for upcoming tryouts. We will focus on honing the skills on “the List”; meaning the list handed out from your school’s dance team coach or sponsor. Feel free to bring it in so that we cover what you need. One routine will be performed in the annual recital.


Conditioning-strength and stretch (age 8 - 28)

This class designed to build strength as well as extensions, endurance and balance. Special exercises will focus on muscles stretching and flexing, enhancing pirouettes, movements speed increasing, jumps with heights and timing escalating. The goal of this class is to make your dancers better and stronger and more confident performers. Do not enroll in this class if you like to complain or whine. Do enroll in this class if you are determined to make improvements!



RSDA Company Members, ages 5-19, exemplify dedication to training, classroom focus, tireless work ethic and success in precision of movement and execution of technical skills.

Company members are required attend two competitions during the spring but also may have access to an additional one in the fall depending on the year and our calendar. Each dancer performs in our annual production of the Nutcracker, 2018 was our inaugural performance. RSDA has performed the Nutcracker every December since then and the show is revered by all as a huge success!


For further information regarding the RSDA Company, please contact or visit with Wyatt, Becca, or Rennae at (402) 289-5488 or by email at  Membership on company is by invite only typically upon recommendation from teachers.

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